Album Cover

Song List/Times

  1. Rockin' Rochester USA "Live" (Casperson Stewart Herney)
    (Ken Stewart Lead Vocal)
    MP3 *
  2. Lemon Lime "Live" (Casperson Stewart Herney) *
  3. End Of An Era "Live" (Dave Casperson) *
  4. Mona "Live" (E. McDaniel) **
  5. Just On Saturday "Live" (Dave Casperson) *
  6. Sharon (Dave Casperson)
  7. Sharon (Dave Casperson) (The Real Story)
  8. Karrousel Of Love (Dave Kaspersin)
  9. You Haven't Seen My Love (The Ones)
  10. Caravan "Live" (Gorden Jenkins) **
  11. Special Lady (Dave Kaspersin, Jackie Kaspersin)
  12. Sometimes (Dave Kaspersin) MP3
  13. Scarlett Ribbons (Danzig & Segal)
  14. Johnny Be Good "Live" (Chuck Berry) MP3 **
  15. My Girl "Live" (Smokey Ribinson) (Lee Tatlock Lead Vocal) **
  16. In The Wee Wee Hours "Live" (Chuck Berry) **

Karrousel Of Love - Dave

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Digital Downloads of Karrousel Of Love are available at cdBaby, Amazon and iTunes

Also Available at The House Of Guitars

* The Tempests
** Casper and the Ghosts

Ken (Paul Kenny) Stewart - Lead, Rhythm and Vocals
Jim Herney - Bass and Vocals
Jim Collins - Drums
Dave Casperson - Lead, Rhythm, Vocals
Dave Kaspersin - Lead, Rhythm, Vocals
David West - Lead, Rhythm, Vocals
Lee Tatlock - Lead, Rhythm, Vocals
Barry Clemens - Bass
Bill Foster - Bass
Jerry Brongo - Keys
Al Keltz - Guitar
Chuck Parnell - Bass
Rick (Buddy) Johnson - Drums
Erik Ferreri - Guitar
Mike Marshall - Bass
Ron Wolf - Drums
Nick Russo - Percussion
Tom Gravino - Flute
Cindy Miller - Background Vocals
Phyllis Bishop - Background Vocals
Lauren Suter - Background Vocals

Sharon "Switch" Whaley
- - - 
Clayton P. Turner
Ted Foos
Bill DeRycke
Jackie Kaspersin
Dave Kaspersin

Karrousel Of Love is included in Derek Sivers new book
Anything You Want

© 2011 Derek Sivers

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