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Darling Allalee

featuring The Bristol Brothers

Darling Allalee - 2205

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Song List/Times

1. Allalee 2:03 MP3
2. My Little Georgia Rose (B. Monroe) 2:45
3. Lost Indian 2:30
4. Carolina (R.Hood) 2:37
5. Armadillo Breakdown (Wernick) 2:03
6. Every Knee Shall Bow (R. HOod) 2:37
7. Whose Shoulder Will YOu Cry On (Wells-Wallace) 2:00
8. Little White Washed Chimney 2:30
9. The Voice of My Lord (R. Hood) 2: 12
10. B&D Breakdown (R. Hood) 2:12 MP3
11. Paradise (J. Prine) 3:16
12. Long Journey Home 2:42 MP3

Darling Allalee
Bristol Mountain Bluegrass

        Whenever we listen to a particular bluegrass tune,
or band, or individual musician, there always come a point
where we must deal with an elusive quality knows as "touch".
We all know what it is, but we're never quite able to define it.  
We've all met individuals from Chicago or Boston who had
"touch" by the ton, and some from the back hills of wherever
who would never have it.
        All of which is to say that bluegrass music is not a place,
it's a way of life.  It doesn't look at where we're from or how much
we make, but it gazes closely at how we think about and feel
things.  Anyone who's seen a long haired mandolin player in 
designer jeans or a calloused bass player in Oshkosh overalls, 
together knee-deep in mud, pushing a custom van or a Ford
pickup or a GMC bus knows just what I mean.
        This album is our attempt to share with you our little
piece of that way of life.  A lot of miles, a lot of broken strings,
muffed leads, hot shows, good and bad times are built into our
music - thousands of bar, concerts, festivals, etc.  We play
hardcore bluegrass music and we hope that some of our pride
comes across to you in this record.  On a personal level, I 
hope this album communicates some of the joy I've 
experienced working with the likes of Butch, Bruce, Don, and
Doug.  When it comes to "touch" they've certainly got it.
        Some thanks are in order, principally to bus driver, 
mechanic, friend, and master pig-roaster Bruce Gordner.
Also to Bill Knowlton, the voice of bluegrass music in
central New York STate; to Chuck and Annette Gantz for 
iced tea, plane rides, and cowboy boot galoshes; to 
John Griffin for literary legerdemain and for never quite 
dropping that cigarette; to Taylor Monfort for all kinds
of support; to Ed Ferris for liking the carrot joke; to
Bud Artlip, Moose, Jeff Hay, etc.  And especially to
those who have shared the bus, and our lives, with us.
        There are many people who have, directly or
indirectly, contributed to the music we play and who 
are no longer around for us to thank.  This album is
dedicated to those who are now picking where
festival season never ends and where diesel fuel is
always cheap.

Richard Hood     April 9, 1982

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